Video Marketing - Watch This Space![](/our-resources/client-newsletters/december-2016/Video-Marketing-Watch-This-Space-1.jpg)
The popularity of video continues to grow. You can educate and inform customers about your products and in the digital and social age, video has become an incredibly important part of the marketing jigsaw. YouTube is now the second largest search engine on the web behind Google and there are some compelling statistics that support the need for business owners to embrace video including:
- 90% of users say that product videos are helpful in the decision making process
- 85% of customers are more likely to make a purchase after watching a product video
- 92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others
- Dr James McQuivey estimates that 1 minute of video is the equivalent of 1.8 million words
- Companies using video enjoy 41% more web traffic from search results than non video users (Aberdeen)
- Video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic from search engines
- YouTube reports mobile video consumption rises 100% every year
- According to Invodo, 92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others
- An optimized video increases the chance of your brand being on the front page of a Google search engine result by 53 times!
Below are five reasons why video is an important part of your future marketing activities.
1. Increased Customer Conversions
The number one reason for using video in your content marketing is simple, video converts more customers. Recent research from Vidyard suggests that 71% of marketers say video conversion rates outperform other marketing content. Videos on retail sites are proven to keep visitors (on average) 2 minutes longer on the site and convert 30% more.
2. Improved SEO
Using video in your content marketing will improve your SEO. According to Forrester Research Group, video is 53 times more likely than text pages to appear on the first page of a search result. Given 61% of people don’t search beyond the third listing on page one, your video might be the content that catapults your ranking to the top of the page.
From an SEO point of view, make sure you get the naming of your videos right by using carefully chosen keywords. This might seem obvious, however, we see a lot of videos with ‘smart’ titles but they are missing out on higher search rankings by not using the most important and descriptive keywords.
While video is a visual medium, the text component is also very important from an SEO perspective. By including a transcription of your video, Google can also index the text component and while most of your audience might prefer video, others might prefer to read the content so cater for both audiences.
3. Time on Your Site
It’s important to keep visitors on your site for longer because we suspect it is part of the Google ranking algorithm. Let’s face it, we might read the first paragraph of a blog and if it misses the mark we leave pretty quickly. By contrast, 65% of viewers watch more than three quarters of a video so if you have a message to get across video might be a more effective medium.
4. Better Email Click-Throughs
You might have spent hours writing emails to send to your customers but will it engage with them? Will your customers read them? To improve results, using video in your emails has shown to double click-through rates.
5. In 2017 - 74% Of All Internet Traffic Will Be Video
With video projected to account for nearly three quarters of all internet traffic in 2017, it’s crucial that you embrace video. This means identifying the types of video content that suits your business because you might need a corporate or introductory video, a product demo video, explainer videos, customer testimonial videos or even ‘how to’ videos.
That’s five key reasons why you need to incorporate video into your marketing. Don’t forget to focus on your ideal type of customer and make the content educational and informative, not a sales pitch. The content should focus on the benefits your customers will get and make sure you include your contact details and a call to action in your videos. You might also want to explore how to distribute your videos by email and social media channels to get maximum exposure.
Click HERE to download the full edition of The Business Accelerator Magazine for December 2016.